Monday, September 26, 2011

What Really Stinks about Marriage

So this past Sunday, I preached on marriage (if you wanna check out the message, click here). And after thinking, pondering, praying, reflecting, and consulting with my wife - here's what I've concluded about marriage that's really awful. But to be honest, I guess it's not something that's wrong with marriage - it's more with the way most people seem to view marriage. Most people I talk to speak about their marriage like it's some kind of "necessary evil." It's like, "I need someone so I won't be alone, and I need someone so I can have kids and have sex, and I need someone to help pitch in with paying bills," but that's it. Marriage is reduced to a mere utility! Now, some people really have the fire when they first start dating, or even in the first couple of years, but sooner or later people begin to accept this lie that marriage has to mediocre at best, or bad at worst, and that stinks! Marriage is NOT a mere utility and it is NOT supposed to be mediocre! If you're in a marriage right now that's not super-fulfilling, I really believe you are missing out on God's best blessing for you this side of heaven. God designed marriage to get better as it ages - but somehow - many people's marriages just get worse as they age. This is nothing short of a complete and utter tragedy. Imagine how horrible it would be if someone gave you $10,000,000,000 for you to enjoy, but it wrecked your life because you got so tied up in the very complicated accounting that would quite likely go along with having that amount of money. If you did, you'd miss the point - and we'd all probably slap you (in a Christlike way, of course) and call you an idiot for it, and we'd be right :) But here's the thing - marriage is a gift from God that's worth more than any amount of money. Bud sadly, we get so caught up in some of the technicalities that we miss the real point. Love. Fulfillment. An illustration of Christ's love for His people (see Ephesians 5:22-33).

The point of this post is not to teach anyone about marriage - you can check out the sermon above if you're interested in that. My point is just to proclaim to the world (or, more accurately, the 2-5 people that probably read this blog!) that marriage is supposed to be a GOOD THING -no, an AWESOME THING. And if it's not that way in your life, you need to change your priorities and start investing in your spouse!

And by the way, if you're thinking, "I'd be happier with someone else," remember - the grass is not greener on the other side. AND it's not greener on this side either! It's greener WHERE YOU WATER IT! Have you watered your marriage? If not, don't get mad when it turns brown :)